
Misspent Youth: Fall in Love, Not in Line

Created by Fragging Unicorns Games

Teenage rebellion in a messed-up future! Play the only kids that can stop the adults from ruining what's left of the world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hey Hey Hey! Super Great First Day!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 07:41:26 PM


We got started with this campaign early on Tuesday morning and just 12 hours later, we are over $7,200 to our goal. That's just 28% left to fund! Amazing job. Thank you. Lots of folks are still getting home from work, just finding out the Kickstarter launched today, or are overseas and haven't woken up yet. So I think we'll be in an even better position when I wake up tomorrow!

We are at 117 backers at the time of writing and that's not even half of the folks who were following the campaign! And we've been steadily gaining traction and I'm sure we'll fund in no time thanks to your generosity.

Stretch Goals:

Since it is clear we'll be funding soon, let me talk about some stretch goals. 

First, if we fund and then get to $15,000, Robert Bohl has agreed to write a setting for Fall In Love, Not In Line! That's right, the creator of Misspent Youth has been working and walking with us through this entire process and he's excited to be involved in writing for it as well. He's sent me notes for what the setting is, and if you know Robert, you know its gonna be good. 

Once we get closer to the other stretch goals, we'll talk more about them, but for now, we're keeping it simple, and just saying thank you for an incredible first day!

Actual Play Campaign

Did you know the lead writer for Fall In Love, Not In Line (Clifton Lambert) is running an actual play of Misspent Youth during the length of the Kickstarter? Sarah, Asha, and Dereka from Rem Alternis and Opti (Founder of Fragging Unicorns) are the Youthful Offenders. You can check out the first episode here ( and come back at 1:30p est/12:30p cst every Tuesday for new episodes until the KS campaign wraps up!

I can't wait to see what happens next and what new stuff we get to reveal and offer! We'll be back with another update soon!

You rock!

- Opti