
Misspent Youth: Fall in Love, Not in Line

Created by Fragging Unicorns Games

Teenage rebellion in a messed-up future! Play the only kids that can stop the adults from ruining what's left of the world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

An end-of-summer update
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 08, 2022 at 09:50:23 AM

Hey folks! 

Just wanted to pop in and give an update on our progress for Fall In Love, Not In Line. 

We have finally exited Summer, or as we call it, convention season. We ran a TON of Misspent Youth games, which gave us valuable feedback. At ReaperCon in North Texas, we gave away a bunch of copies of Misspent Youth, Sell Out With Me, and Gangs of the Undercity to the UNT librarian who came by. We sold some too, lol. At Origins, we played a game with a gal who ended up sharing her story with us and how much Misspent Youth meant to her.  At GenCon, we kept getting people telling us how excited they were for the new book and asking for more games. So overall, a great Summer for Misspent Youth!


Regarding production of Fall In Love, Not In Line, all of our authors have turned in their settings and the majority of them have returned final drafts after editing notes. Mechanics are solidified, and final draft for the text should be done by the end of the month. I'm writing the safety tools/best practices bit in between a few other spinning plates, and then it is off to layout! So we are still comfortable with our December 2022 timeline, but as we've learned the last few years, no timelines are 100% solid. 

More Misspent Youth

We had a few pre-production meetings this last week as well with some creators who are interested in using the Misspent Youth system to create their own games, so keep an eye out for games "Powered by Misspent Youth" or something similar in the near future. I don't want to give away any genres, but both are places Misspent Youth hasn't gone yet... and the protagonists aren't just teens...

Wholesome Content

Also, I got permission to share this from a Misspent Youth fan, which I found wholesome, so I wanted to share.

"My name is (cool name), and a couple years ago I bought Misspent Youth. You also graciously sent me a copy of the supplement book, and asked to let you know how my game went.

I know I'm several years late, but I'm about to start a second game with my family and wanted to let you know how my first one went.

It was the very beginning of the pandemic isolation, and the end of my senior year of high school. It sucked being away from my friends, especially in a crucial time of the school year. Misspent Youth (plus the website Roll20) provided us an avenue to stay connected! Four of my closest friends and I played through an episode and a half over the twoish months left of school and LOVED IT! None of them had really played a roleplaying game before, but Misspent Youth got them out of their comfort zones, and they really got into character after the first couple scenes. My friends really bought into the world, coming up with NPCs and relationships with those NPCs that really brought the world to life. Real tears and laughs were had!

Our game was set in a post-apocalyptic world, where a religious sect controlled the surviving population with mantras of perfection and the coming salvation, as well as by controlling the food supply. Our Youthful Offenders were kids who escaped that control and brainwashing of this sect and had their own farm from which they provided food for the people. Oh, and they did all this on various forms of roller skates.

I wanted to thank you for this opportunity to stay connected! I'm currently living away from home by myself, and I miss playing games with my friends and family. I can't wait to play this game again!

Thanks again,"

A few nods to kick-ass friends of ours

In case you are looking for some other awesome stuff, a few of our really good friends  are doing a few different projects and I wanted to give them a plug. 

Coddlesworth’s Clockwork Circus

- Live, ends September 15th

First up is Coddlesworth’s Clockwork Circus issue #2. In Issue #1, two young halflings, Drum and Imari, began their journey to unravel the truth behind a dark legend. Seeking truths that could not be found in their native lands, they ventured forth into a world they never could have imagined.

Now, in Issue #2, after narrowly avoiding disaster in the streets of mehr'Kuldashta, Drum and Imari are escorted by their saviors to someone who may be able to help them in their quest to uncover the secrets of the "Book."

Gelatinous Cube Jelly Soaps

- Launched August 30th

Next up is Gelatinous Cube Jelly soaps! The creator, Cassie, is a dear heart and so, so cool. The soaps come in two sizes, a “Standard” 2” cube weighing roughly 4oz. And a 2.5” “Dire” 2.5” cube weighing roughly 8oz. Each cube will have a full 7-piece set of dice inside, randomly chosen. Mini 10mm dice for the standard and regular 16mm dice for the dire.

Have a game room that gets kinda funky after you play? Gift each player a gelatinous cube soap and perhaps the dice inside will incentivize them enough to get the hint.

Or maybe you just want to gift your players and/or GM a set of dice and a Jelly wiped out your party.

Or maybe you're a GM and don't have a gelatinous cube figure for your map!

Or maybe you just like the novelty of jelly soap.

Whatever your reason, we've got a tier for you!

Blood & Justice: Nocturne by Night

- Launched September 6th

Next, we have BLOOD & JUSTICE,  a setting of vigilante action, where the Punisher would feel right at home. It's a place where Cloak and Dagger would fight crime in the alleys while Venom and Witchblade battle it out on the rooftops. It's a place for anti-heroes writ large, where violence and gunplay meet detective work and investigations.

Blood & Justice: Welcome to Nocturne introduced us to the city of Nocturne, an Iron Age Superhero setting with a grim reality.

Now, Nocturne by Night expands upon the darker side of the world. It contains 62 new villains, advice for GMs on running a gritty Iron Age setting, and even what to do when your heroes take that final step and become villains themselves.

Shadowrun: Edge Zone

- Launches September 20

I normally wouldn't plug a more established company's kickstarter, but our pals at Rem Alternis are running their kickstarter and it will look awesome for them if it does well. And since Rem is a partner company to FUG, it helps us in the long run as well. Regardless, Catalyst Games is producing a revamp, upgrade, and rerelease of the Shadowrun Trading Card Game (which was pretty damn cool). A Shadowrun trading card game hasn’t been seen since the ‘90s, so this is extra exciting as newer fans of the game will likely never have known there was a trading card game.

Edge Zone will come in two boxes, the Magic box will focus on all things magic, and the Mayhem deck which will focus on the more physical aspects of the Shadowrun setting. Street Samurai, deckers, riggers and the like. You will be able to choose one to play, or get them both and mix and match your deck to your tastes.

Follow now to be notified on Launch:|

Ok, that's it for the update. See y'all next update!

 - Opti

A New Update
over 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 02, 2022 at 07:16:54 PM

Hey folks, 

There isn't much to report at this point, but I thought I would touch base and let you know where we are at in the process of making Fall In Love, Not In Line. 

1) Settings are all turned in. All of our guest authors have turned in their first drafts for their settings, and all but two of those have turned in final drafts as well. 

2) Pilot episodes for all of the settings are nearly complete.

3) Backerkit numbers and expected shipping costs have been collected. 

4) Note: there are still a few of you who haven't filled out the backerkit survey and thus we don't have a shipping address or shipping costs from you, which means it will be hard to get you your rewards, so please check your emails and fill out the backerkit surveys! If you can't find the survey, reach out and we'll get it to you. 

5) Most of the writing is done on the book, but we're always revising and playtesting. 

6) As of now, we are still looking good for our December 2022 fulfillment date. 

In related news, we'll be running Misspent Youth Games at GenCon, playtesting new settings and pilot episodes, and refining the rules! So if you'll be at GenCon, come play games with us!

 - Opti

Backerkit Surveys and Development Update
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 07:36:09 PM

Bey folks, here's an update on how things are going!


As of now, there are still 43 of you fine folks who haven't completed the Backerkit survey yet. Those surveys are how we get accurate addresses for shipping, lock in order numbers, and correctly organize our shipping costs. So withiut the most accurate data we can get, our numbers will be off and wothiur addresses, we cant get you your rewards! So fill out those surveys, friends. :)


We are pretty far along in terms of having the text of the book ready to go. 

We have 4 of 6 of the settings conplete and turned in, while the final 2 put finishing touches on their submissions. 

The pilot episode texts for those settings are being worked on, as is the safety/boundaries section. 

Once completed, we head to layout, with GenCon being a break from work next month. 

Thanks for your support, folks!

- Opti

Small Update About Something We Fragged Up
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 02:52:06 PM

Hey folks, 

this update won't affect most of you, but it came to our attention that there were some American backers who were being charged a bit too much for shipping. This was a copy/paste error and has been corrected. The good news is that this will only decrease your shipping costs. The more irritating news is that some of you who have already filled out the survey may have to do so again now that the shipping error has been corrected. I'll be sending out survey reminders today to try to catch the error for everyone as soon as possible. 

Thank you all for your patience! And if you are super mad, please blame Opti. I was 100% his fault. 

 - Opti

Backerkit Surveys
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 05:03:22 PM

Hey folks!

We're back with another small update. 

Backerkit Surveys

Emails with Backerkit surverys have begun to go out. Backerkit sends out surveys to about 5% of backers first to troubleshoot any issues, and then the rest of the surveys are sent out shortly after. We didn't collect any addresses or shipping costs during the campaign, so it is important, especially those receiving physical books, that the surveys are completed sooner than later. Also, for those who pledged at levels where they get to play with some of the Fragging Unicorns crew, these surveys help to coordinate those games, so don't wait! If we can get all the surveys filled out, that will help us a good deal logistically. 

As an aside, you can also purchase add-ons through backerkit such as copies of earlier books, community copies, or extra copies of the new book. This will also be the place for those who may have missed out on the Kickstarter to pre-order copies, so please share the link once you've completed the survey. 

The Bloody Handed Name of Bronze

 As another small aside, Rem Alternis will be streaming a game of The Bloody Handed Name of Bronze tonight. Set during the Bronze Age, a hero was whoever battled or bowed to the daemons who made such offers. This is a game created by Joshua A.C. Newman, who was involved in creating Misspent Youth and Sell Out With Me, and Joshua will be playing alongside Opti and some folks from Rem Alternis. You can join them here tonight at 8pm CST:

Thanks folks!

 - Opti